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[FAQ] Setting procedure due to change of Airbnb service charge system
[FAQ] Setting procedure due to change of Airbnb service charge system
AirHost Support for HMS avatar
対応者:AirHost Support for HMS
Updated over a week ago

Airbnb has made the following announcement (partial except) regarding the service charge system change.


Currently, there are two types of Airbnb service charge systems: (1) a shared service charge between the host and guest, and (2) a fixed host service charge in which the host bears the entire service charge.

From December 7, 2020, the only fee structure that can be used by hosts using external software is the fixed host service charge. This will deduct 15% of the service charge from the host's receipt and guests will not be charged a service charge. This fee will be applied to reservations made after December 7th, so we recommend that you prepare for price adjustments as soon as possible.

* For hosts who have already introduced the fixed host service charge, please note that the charge will be changed to 15% from the reservation on January 1, 2021.


On December 7th, the host's burden of service fees will automatically increase from 3% to 15%, and the amount received will be reduced at the same rate as before. For this reason, we recommend that you change the charge according to the new service charge and migrate in advance.

The procedure is as follows.

1. Adjust the price to synchronize with Airbnb on the AirHost PMS side. It's possible to change the price in the price calendar, but it's a hassle and impact on other OTAs, so it's easy to adjust the "Multiply from AirHost Price:" setting for the Airbnb channel on multi-channel pages.

2. Confirm that the price update is reflected on the Airbnb side. (It may take several hours to complete the synchronization.)

3. After confirming the charge synchronization, log in to Airbnb, select "Include all Airbnb service charges in the charge" on the "Payment and receipt" page of the "Account" menu, and the "Service charge" tab, and save.
